My Way…..

Posts Tagged ‘New

Well, hi there! How are you? Good to see you again! How am I? Glad you asked!

It has been QUITE a while since I last last posted! SO! Let’s get down to the dirty work.

I am now in a new grade, and this year is going SO much better than last. Despite the fact that I thought I would hate this year because of the crazy setup of schools and grades (5th and 6th in one school, 7th and 8th in another), I like this year a ton better than last.

I’ve gotten beter as a writer, and have learned how to add more voice to my writing. CAN YOU TELL YET?! 🙂

AND I have more time to spend with all of YOU! We’ll have some fun times, won’t we?

That’s about all for now… At least, in this post. If I got into other stuff… Well, I’ll just save that for a little while later, shall I?

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